
Fraudsters pose as Ekurhuleni environmental health practitioners

Business owners urged to be on the lookout for scammers.

The City of Ekurhuleni warns business owners to be on the lookout for scammers posing as the city’s environmental health practitioners and issuing fraudulent certificates of acceptability (COA) for a fee.

The city reiterates that the COA, which is compulsory for all food premises, is issued free of charge.

The city’s public health by-laws state clearly that a COA is issued by the environmental health division after a practitioner has carried out an inspection of the premises, and they are satisfied that these facilities comply with the national regulations governing general hygiene requirements for food premises, the transportation of food and related matters.

In case businesses are visited by the city’s environmental health practitioners, they are advised to demand proof of identification from such individuals, failing which they can deny them access.

It is further advised that anyone running a food business without a COA, can go to their nearest customer care centre and arrange for an inspection to obtain one.

For more information and permit requirements, the public health by-laws and environmental health services tariffs are available on, or call 011 999 2968.

Members of the public who have information on the fraudsters masquerading as the city’s officials are encouraged to report them to the SAPS at 08600 10111 or contact the city’s fraud hotline on 0800 102 201.

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