#Your Tax Matters: Continuation on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs)

We continue our focus on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). This month, we are exploring the functionalities available for SMMEs on eFiling and how to register a representative.

Registering for eFiling

If you are not yet registered as an eFiler, you can register by:

As a registered taxpayer, you can sign up to use the SARS eFiling service, which allows you not only to file a return, make payments to SARS or request a tax clearance certificate, but also gives you access to many other benefits via an electronic platform.

 For further guidance, please watch the SARS TV on YouTube.

  1. eFiling Service Offerings available to SMMEs

The following services and functionalities are available on eFiling:

  1. Registered Representative

Registering a representative

A registered representative is a person who is appointed with full rights to act on behalf of another legal entity (e.g. Companies/Company director, Trust/Trustee etc). A registered representative can set up an eFiling profile of the company, and has full rights to act on behalf of the company.


Registration Process and Tax Type Activation

Supporting documents needed for registration to become a registered representative of a company:

Note: Turnaround time for registration is 21 working days, provided all required documents were submitted.

Common errors that you should avoid because they can delay the updating of the registered representative:

  1. What’s new: Enhanced Notice of Registration functionality

The Notice of Registration functionality on eFiling was enhanced. The current Notice of Registration functionality for PIT and VAT has now been extended to include CIT, PAYE and Trusts. eFilers can now access their Notices of Registration for all tax types online by following these easy steps:


Step 1: Login to eFiling: https://www.sarsefiling.co.za

Step 2: Go to Organisations main menu

Step 3: Click SARS Registered details on the side menu

Step 4: Select Notice of Registration

Step 5: Select the relevant tax type: VAT or CIT or PAYE or Trusts

Regional News

#Your Tax Matters: Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs)

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