Sunfield Home Fortuna grows its own vegetables

The home cares for 70 disabled residents on a full-time basis, some of the residents are frail and need intensive care.

HEIDELBERG – Sunfield Home Fortuna started their vegetable tunnels during lockdown last year and can now enjoy fresh vegetables from their own garden.

Sunfield Home Fortuna is a home for the mentally and physically disabled based outside Heidelberg. The home has been in operation since 1991 and because they do not receive funding from the government, they depend heavily on the goodwill of companies and local communities.


 Sunfield Home Fortuna

The home cares for 70 disabled residents on a full-time basis, some of the residents are frail and need intensive care.

“We have to ensure residents stay stimulated, and the vegetable tunnel is one of our proud initiatives,” Brenda Gouws, the manager, said.

The group of residents, known as the Green Team, planted 2 000 seedlings during lockdown and is now enjoying the ‘fruits’ of their labour.

“We are going strong in our efforts to be self-sustainable, and caring for the tunnels provides a lot of stimulation,” Brenda added.

Sunfield is preparing for winter and is appealing to the community for any donations in the form of winter clothing.

“We are like a big household and our needs vary from groceries, toiletries, transport and maintenance expenses to medical expenses, stimulation and trying to fulfil their social needs. As winter is here already, we are also in need of winter clothing,” Brenda concluded.

She also expressed their gratitude towards the community for the help they have received already.

Brenda can be contacted on 071 301 8300 for more information.

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