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Get to know our people – Aileen Ceronio

Aileen Ceronio (35) has dedicated her time and effort to the Nigel community as the spokesperson for I love Nigel and is running for the Ward councilor seat this year.

Aileen Ceronio (35) grew up and lived in Nigel all her life. She matriculated in Hoërskool John Vorster in 2004, was a teacher from 2009 to 2017 after which she entered the health and safety industry, working primarily with schools.

Since 2020, Aileen has dedicated her time and effort to the Nigel community as the spokesperson for I love Nigel and is running for the Ward councillor seat this year. HERAUT spoke to this dynamic lady about her aspirations and goals.

How did I love Nigel come about?

The steady decline in the infrastructure of Nigel infuriated and saddened me. It was Thomas Burke, a British politician, who said, “For evil to succeed, it takes good men to do nothing”. The late President John F Kennedy in one of his famous speeches said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

This likewise applies to our towns, and I realised that we are sitting on a sinking ship, waiting for life rafts that will never arrive. If we are going to make our town safe and clean for generations to come, we are going to have to jump in and do it ourselves.

#I LOVE NIGEL started at the beginning of 2020 and then Covid-19 hit. The former Ward councillor Cornelius Toerien, Jake Ceronio and I went around Nigel getting quotes to have some of the sports facilities and clubs repaired.

We realised that with immediate intervention, some of these facilities could still be saved. We would have to tackle them head-on and that is exactly what we did. Thus the birth of # I LOVE NIGEL.

How supportive is the community towards I love Nigel?

The residents of Nigel have been wonderful. We have an amazing following on Facebook and the feedback is always positive.

From donating tools and money to removing plants from their gardens to beautify the town hall. We have even received donations from America, England, and Australia from former Nigelites.

When we work, people stop and praise the work we are doing. People stop and bring us cold drinks and not a day goes by that we don’t get a hoot and a thank you.

When we held our Neon Night Race last year we expected 200 people. Over 800 people supported our cause and far surpassed our expectations.

We have been received warmly and people do show their gratitude. Residents are also getting involved by removing weeds from the roads in front of their homes and maintaining their pavements. Residents, businesses, and schools are getting involved.

What makes you passionate about the I Love Nigel initiatives?

People and community come first. I believe that ordinary people, doctors, teachers, nurses, factory workers and entrepreneurs, academia, people interested in their environment, its fauna and flora, people who love their towns and are genuinely interested in its development, its safety, its cleanliness, its heritage, its infrastructure and all its people are best placed to represent their town.

I have lived here all my life, I love my town, my community, its heritage and the ongoing support of residents in Nigel makes me confident that we can restore Nigel to the beautiful town it once was.

What goals do you want to achieve?

To represent my community as best I can and to involve everyone who loves Nigel and who wants to make a difference by working together.

How do you feel about current service delivery in Nigel?

As in the rest of Ekurhuleni, service delivery is very poor. However, # I LOVE NIGEL has built up a very good relationship with the CCC manager and Solid Waste and Road Works who go out of their way to assist us wherever they can.

What are your hobbies?

I love to crochet and do diamond art, but my passion is with people and I love to assist the community in any way I can.

Who is your role model?

My father (Jake Ceronio). He was Ward councillor in Nigel for 17 years and the principal of one of the most prestigious schools in South Africa. My ability to stand my ground and fight for what is fair and right is a life skill I learned from watching him. He was the one who inspired me to want to make a difference and to help get #I LOVE NIGEL off the ground.

If you can change one thing in the world, what would it be?

I would eradicate poverty

In your opinion, what makes a good leader?

Good leaders are excellent listeners, they have vision, courage, integrity and humility. They can focus, plan strategically and get people to cooperate. Good leaders are also good communicators and they get things done.

What is your message to residents?

My message to residents is to always support local and to support # I LOVE NIGEL. I am committed to work hard to try and make Nigel a better place for all. I believe that with the support from the community and my dedication, we will succeed.

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