Report all crimes to the police

“Victims must not leave things there, it is important to report the incident to the police so that it can be logged as a crime stat,” she said.

According to Charnel Hattingh, head of marketing and communications for Fidelity ADT, an incident of a mugging or car theft reported on a community WhatsApp group does not make it a reported crime.

Hattingh explained these platforms are valuable for many reasons.

“For example, if an incident occurs and is posted it helps to quickly mobilise resources to search for the perpetrators or offer emergency help, and it makes the community aware.

“It is a common belief the police and private security companies are on top of crime trends in the areas they patrol, especially since so many incidents are now reported on social media groups.

“However, simply because an incident of a mugging or car theft is reported on a community WhatsApp group does not make it a reported crime.

“Victims must not leave things there, it is important to report the incident to the police so that it can be logged as a crime stat,” she said.

Hattingh further explained crime statistics help the police strategise and allocate the appropriate resources to suburbs, in conjunction with private security companies and other stakeholders, to protect lives by better managing crime, curbing trends and equipping the justice system.

The importance of this is hampered by people thinking the crime was petty and not worth reporting. Some people also say they have no faith in the justice system so ‘what is the point?’

What people should consider is that petty criminals very often become serious offenders somewhere down the line.

“We don’t view any crime or criminal as petty and the public should not either. “Crime needs to be reported so that criminals can be apprehended and dealt with in the justice system, or we run the risk of them progressing to more serious crimes before they are caught.

“Remember too that criminals associate with criminals. The arrest of a bag-snatcher in your street could lead to a much bigger fish for the police or be linked to other crimes, which have plagued the suburb,” she said.

Hattingh concludes that unreported crimes have no value to the police or broader society.

“No crime is too small to be reported and every one of us can play a role in curbing crime in this country by reporting it.

“The only value a crime has is that when it is reported it becomes intelligence for police and other security resources to use to fight criminals and get them off our streets,” she added.

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