
DA rejects President Ramaphosa’s attempt to censor SIU

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has rejected the attempt by President Cyril Ramaphosa to censor the Special Investigating Unit's (SIU) report into the Covid-19 corruption.

The SIU has reportedly confirmed that the president will himself decide which part of this report will be made public. “We see this move by the president for what it is-a blatant attempt to hide the true extent of how the ANC looted Covid-19 relief funding meant to keep South Africans safe and healthy during this global pandemic,” said Johan Steenhuisen (Leader of the DA).

The DA calls for full transparency and that this report be made public in its entirety. According to Steenhuisen, South Africans made massive sacrifices during this pandemic and to this day many have experienced immeasurable suffering.

Not only due to the corona-virus, but also due to the corruption in Covid-19 procurement which resulted in poor quality PPE, a lack of adequate medical resources, stolen and delayed food parcels and long-overdue UIF Ters payments. “President Ramaphosa has no right to try and hide the corruption, which happened under his watch and in some cases under his very own nose.

The DA will not stand for the president’s two sets of standards. South Africans deserve to know the truth, the whole truth,” Steenhuisen concluded.

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