Sunfield Home Fortuna

Sunfield Home Fortuna is a home for the mentally and physically disabled outside Heidelberg on the Balfour Road. Disability has never been a choice but at Sunfield Home Fortuna they choose to change obstacles into opportunities.

Lockdown has placed tremendous strain on the home due to the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected some of their regular donors.

They have not received any assistance from relieve funds they applied for and are appealing to the community for assistance.

“We would not have been able to make it thus far if it was not for the support we received from the local community, farmers, businesses and our Sunfield families,” Brenda Gouws (manager) said.

The home has been in operation since 1991 and because they do not receive funding from the government, the home depends heavily on the goodwill of companies and local communities. They currently care for 75 disabled residents on a full-time basis.

Some of the residents are frail and need intensive care.

Sunfielfd Home Fortuna is a home for mentally and physically disabled. They choose to change obstacles into opportunities by providing a safe haven for residents where they receive personal care and doing stimulation activities. The are experiencing huge financial difficulties due to lack of funds and am asking for help from the community.

The home have 45 residents placed there by the Department of Social development, most of whom do not have any relatives, making the home responsible for all their basic as well as medical needs.

“To our disabled residents this is their ‘place in the sun’ where they feel at home. A place where they are accepted and treated with dignity and respect, feeling safe and loved,” Gouws said.

Sunfield Home is currently going through a very difficult time and is in desperate need of assistance be it in the form of goods, services or cash donations.

Their needs vary from groceries, toiletries, transport, maintenance expenses to medical expenses. If anyone is in a position to assist in improving the quality of life of their disabled residents in any way, they can phone Brenda Gouws at 017 773 9014/5/6 or 071 301 8300.

Sunfield Home Fortuna is a registered NPO and can provide an ART 18A for tax purposes. Donations can also be made to Sunfield Home Fortuna, FNB Balfour, Account number 5159 0025 157

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