Pregnancy awareness weak celebrated by many

Pregnancy Awareness Week is observed from 12 to 16 February.

The primary purpose of Pregnancy Awareness Week is to reduce the number of deaths or complications from pregnancy. This includes both the mother and the fetus/baby. The event does so by strengthening the education on pregnancy and highlighting important issues that promote a healthy pregnancy and safe motherhood. The government suggests that pregnant women should start attending antenatal care as soon as they confirm they are pregnant; within the first trimester.

The reason antenatal care is important is because it provides the following benefits:
• The opportunity to treat existing medical conditions that can be aggravated by pregnancy like diabetes, hypertension, anaemia and infections.
• Free testing and voluntary counselling for HIV.
• Early recognition of danger signs in pregnancy and post-delivery.
• Preparation for birth and readiness for complications.
• Self-care which includes nutrition and high standard of hygiene.
• Information on the father’s role and the family’s as well.

Pregnancy Awareness Week also gives importance to the rights of pregnant women which include the following:
• The right of a woman to choose her companion for providing support during pregnancy and childbirth. The companion will also accompany her to the antenatal care clinic as well as during labour.
• The right of the woman to be treated with respect, dignity and confidentiality.
• The right of the woman to ask questions and to get the right explanation regarding her condition.

The main goal of the event is to spread important information regarding pregnancy including tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy, how to prevent complications and many more. Anyone can help raise awareness – even a simple post or tweet on social media can help.


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