Sunfield Home going through difficult times

Sunfield is a home for mentally and physically disabled persons.

Sunfield Home Fortuna is a home for 75 mentally and physically disabled persons who are faced with enormous life challenges. The home has been in operation since 1991 and depends heavily on the goodwill of companies and local communities.

“We currently care for 75 disabled residents on a full-time basis for whom we receive just over R2 000 per person from the Department of Social Development. Our residents vary from strong to frail. We have 45 residents placed here by the department. Most of them do not have any relatives, making us responsible for their basic as well as medical needs,” says Brenda Gouws (general manager).

Sunfield Home Fortuna is the disabled residents’ ‘place in the sun’ where they are accepted and treated with dignity and respect, feeling safe and loved.


“The home is currently going through financial strain and we are in desperate need of assistance, be it in the form of goods, services or cash donations.

We are like a big household and our needs vary from groceries, toiletries, transport and maintenance, to medical expenses, stimulation and trying to fulfill their social needs,” Brenda said.

She is pleading with businesses, individuals or companies who are in a position to assist them in improving the quality of life of the disabled residents to come forward and assist in any way possible.

Sunfield Home Fortuna are a registered NPO and can provide a Section 18A certificate for tax purposes.
For more information or a formal proposal phone Brenda on 017 773 9014/5/6 or 071 301 8300.


Sunfield Home Fortuna for mentally and physically disabled persons is in desperate need of funds. They are going through difficult times and need the support of the public and businesses as they don’t receive any government funding. Here are some of the residents at their Christmas party in December. They are Nthombifuthi Mpinga, Maryke du Plooy, Johann Olivier, Marius Myburg and Phillip Marx.

Catherine Weir is one of 75 residents of Sunfield Home Fortuna for mentally and physically disabled persons. They are going through difficult times and in desperate need of funds to keep the home afloat.

Sunfield Home Fortuna is going through difficult times and is in desperate need of funds and donations of any kind. Pietie Viljoen and Samantha Saunders are two of the 75 mentally and physically disabled persons who call Sunfield their ‘place in the sun’.

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