Robberies on the rise

Two confirmed house robberies within four days, have residents of Jordaan Park on edge.

The first incident took place on January 14 at around 11:00 in Jordaan Street, where robbers forcefully gained access to a house by breaking the front door and security gate. According to captain Thivhulawi Tshilate (Heidelberg SAPS: spokesperson), no-one was at home during the break-in and the suspects fled with a television and jewellery , which they reportedly loaded into their getaway vehicle.

“I am just happy that no one was at home at the time and that injuries were avoided,” house owner Leon Joubert said.

In a second incident on January 17 in Blesbok Street, an elderly resident and her domestic workers were the victims of an armed robbery. The victims were busy in the front garden when they noticed a white SUV in the driveway. The home owner approached the vehicle whereafter four armed men forced her into the house. The suspects proceeded to force the victims to a bedroom. They continued to raid the house and escaped with televisions, jewellery and cellphones. After the suspects left, the home owner alerted the police. Although traumatised, no one was injured in the incident and no arrests have been made.

In another incident, a supermarket in DF Malan Street was the target of an armed robbery on January 16, after a security guard was overpowered by two African males and forced to the ground. The victim’s hands were reportedly tied and he was forced to hand over his gate keys. Five other males then proceeded to raid the business of a large amount of stock. The suspects loaded the stolen items into their vehicle and managed to escape.

Captain Tshilate said that residents and business owners should take precaution, especially with the recent rise in crime across the country.

“Make sure you have panic buttons and emergency contacts on standby. Ensure that all your access points to your house or business are secured and that you educate your domestic workers on safety and security,” Tshilate concluded.

To report crime or suspect behaviour phone Heidelberg SAPS on 016 341 0343 or contact the sector numbers as listed below.

Sector 1 – 071 675 7396, Sector 2 – 071 675 7295 or 071 675 7292 and Sector 3 – 071 675 7296 or 071 675 7294.

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