Watch: Alra Park Police Station up in flames

Complete closure of Alra Park, MacKenzieville.

Residents are warned that the road from Nigel to Alra Park and MacKenzieville (Route 51 Balfour Road) has been closed by members of the police due to riots in the area. Residents from Alra Park and MacKenzieville are up in arms over the uncertainty regarding the MacKenzieville Housing Project’s beneficiary list, among other issues.

Strong police presence on the scene as roads are blocked, the local clinic in MacKenzieville has been raided and according to witnesses the satellite police station in Alra Park has been torched.


Police condemns attack of satellite police station

The National Commissioner of Police, General Nhehla Sitole strongly condemned the attack stating that the actions of the community has done nothing more than disadvantage the entire community of essential policing.

“I am urging the discontented community members, especially community leaders, to come together and word hard toward resolving their dissatisfaction through consultation and negotiations instead of violence. Vandalising and burning State property should be condemned by all sectors of society,” General  Sithole said in a statement.

The conditions are extremely dangerous and the area should be avoided.

Heidelberg Nigel journalist reporting  from Alrapark MacKenzieville – watch it here:


Also Read: Mackenzieville Ext 2 housing project still in limbo

Also Read: 101-Year-old Gogo from MacKenzieville receives new house

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