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Nigel sector numbers to call when in need

It has a structure for every level of the police command structure consisting of police management and community members.

NIGEL – Nigel CPF is in the process of re-establishing its structure and during a meeting held at SAPS Nigel on January 14, a new policing and CPF sector was included in the local precinct.

The purpose of Nigel CPF is to create partnership between the police and community and identify problems that are communicated to police management.

The role of the CPF is to facilitate communication between the community and the police in the fight against crime. It was established in terms of the Police Act of 1995 Section 18 as a statutory body.

It has a structure for every level of the police command structure consisting of police management and community members. These levels are national, provincial, clusters and sectors. Each sector has a police officer designated as sector manager, who is responsible for visible policing and liaising between the sector and the central police station.

SAPS Nigel is now divided into four new sectors namely:

  1. Sector 1: from The Angelo Mall to Eeufees Avenue.
    Sector manager – W/O Justin Sherwood (082 778 9040). CPF chairperson: Pieter Nel (082 553 8826).
  2. Sector 2.1: from Scarborough/Eeufees  to Laversburg.
    Sector manager – W/O J Janse van Rensburg (082 774 9827). CPF chairperson: Ruan van Eck (060 622 2076).
  3. Sector 2.2: Alrapark and MacKenzieville.
    Sector manager – W/O J Janse van Rensburg (082 774 9827). CPF chairperson: Mohammed Iqbal (078 419 8547).
  4. Sector 3: Jameson Park, Pretoriusstad, Vorsterskroon, Hallgate Plots and Groenfontein farming district.
    Sector manager – W/O Bez Bezuidenhout (082 787 2901). CPF chairperson: Rudi Rudolph (083 440 1414).

If you want to join forces with Nigel CPF, phone Ruan van Eck on 060 622 2076.


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