Nigel Crime Report – 25 August to 1 September

A female resident from Alrapark was reportedly assaulted by her boyfriend on August 27. The complainant was allegedly repeatedly assaulted with a rock and later attended Heidelberg Hospital for treatment.

One person was arrested for breaking into a car at Alrapark on August 25. According to police spokesperson Sgt Nellie Dwaba, the suspected was spotted by a neighbour and the police was alerted. Before the police arrived however, the suspect fled into a nearby field, but he was later caught with the stolen goods. He was charged at Nigel Police Station and is expected to appear in Nigel Magistrate’s Court later this week.

A burglary occurred at a house in Snake Park (Alrapark) on August 26. Household items to the value of around R300 were reported stolen.

A female resident from Alrapark was reportedly assaulted by her boyfriend on August 27. The complainant was allegedly repeatedly assaulted with a rock and later attended Heidelberg Hospital for treatment.

Police are investigating a burglary which occurred at a house in Northern Avenue on August 28. Household items (including jewellery) to the value of around R6 000 were reported stolen.
Police arrested two suspects for possession of drugs on August 30.

A burglary, which occurred at a house in Scarborough Road, was reported to the police on September 2. According to Sgt Dwaba, two off-road motorcycles were stolen from the owner’s locked garage. The value of the stolen bikes are estimated at R53 000. No arrests have been made.

Several assault cases have been reported to the police over the weekend. Three occurred in MacKenzieville and another in Rhodes Avenue. No arrests have been made.


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