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Heidelberg SPCA financially sound but still in need of your support

The SPCA committee of Heidelberg held its annual general meeting (AGM) on July 21, where acting chairperson Jackie Frank read the overview of the year’s activities and said the SPCA’s financial position is sound.

The SPCA committee of Heidelberg held its annual general meeting (AGM) on July 21, where acting chairperson Jackie Frank read the overview of the year’s activities and said the SPCA’s financial position is sound.

She said the SPCA currently receives a small grant from the National Lotto, but that additional funds are generated through fundraising initiatives such as the SPCA bookshop, golf day campaigns, kennel sponsorship, recycling projects, calendars and special occasion cards and donations from the public. She also reiterated the importance of the SMS donation line where members of the community can contribute by simply sending a text message.

Frank expressed her gratitude towards inspector Sue van der Merwe, Pauline Scholtz, Dr Steven Olivier, staff members and members of the committee for making the wheels turn on a daily basis at the animal shelter.

“Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed and is highly appreciated. As volunteers, you are rewarded with knowing that your efforts all go towards caring for the animals that we all love so much,” she said.

She also thanked handymen Neels van der Merwe and Jurgens who contribute enormously towards maintenance projects and the community for their appreciated donations.

In retrospect Heidelberg SPCA is in a good space and things are looking up, but Frank emphasised that a number of challenges such as theft of animals, dog fighting rings, dog poisoning and roaming of dogs in  the streets will have to be addressed in the year ahead.

The past year has also seen former inspector Ans Botha retire and her farewell in December 2017 was met with great sadness, but Heidelberg SPCA will continue with its drive to recruit members of the public to become members of the SPCA.

“As the committee and staff of Heidelberg SPCA, we will continue to care for the animals under our protection and raise awareness where we can teach the importance of appreciating and correctly caring for the furry, feathery, scaly and other creatures we are blessed with by God,” Frank said in conclusion.

For more information, phone Pauline Scholtz or Sue van der Merwe at Heidelberg SPCA on 016 342 4114 or 071 994 9960.

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