Nigel Crime Report – 16 to 23 April

Here is the latest crime report for Nigel.

Police are investigating a case of theft (from a motor vehicle), following an incident in Gazelle Drive, Alrapark on April 17 where mag wheels to the value of around R28 000 had been stolen.
A female suspect was arrested in Main Road on April 18 for possession of illegal drugs. She is expected to appear in Nigel Magistrate’s Court soon.

Another case of mag wheel theft was reported on April 19. This occurred in Breytenbach Street and several valuables were also reported stolen from inside the car.

A similar incident occurred on Farm Uitkyk, Rietkuil on April 19 where a car battery, front loader cd player, a toolbox and machinery were stolen from a bakkie. According to police spokesperson Nellie Dwaba, the value of the stolen property amounts to R15 000.

A Mazda Drifter (bakkie) was stolen in Second Avenue on April 20 at around 13:45. No arrests have been made yet.

A business burglary occurred at a factory in Vorsterskroon on April 20. According to Sgt Dwaba, the perpetrators broke a window to obtain access to the building where the safe was cut open with an industrial grinder. Industrial machinery to the value of around R50 000 and bronze material to the value of around R18 000 were stolen. Damages to the building also amount to roughly R2 500. No arrests have been made yet.

Police are investigating a rape case, which was reported to have taken place at a smallholding on Devon Road on April 21. A suspect was arrested and pending the outcome of the investigation, he will be tried at Nigel Magistrate’s Court.

Police continue to receive complaints of dog poisoning, accompanied by theft of mag wheels and urged residents to sharpen up security at their homes and to join forces with Nigel CPF to combat crime. Car theft in the central business district has also increased over the past two months.

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