
Security guard overpowered by armed robbers in Rensburg

He was abducted, slapped and they threatened to kill him.

A security guard was overpowered by armed robbers just before midnight last night at the Spar complex in Rensburg. They took his panic button before he could activate it.

They covered his head, bound his hands together and forced him onto the floor behind the front seat of one of their vehicles.

They drove around for hours and he could make out that they planned to rob the ATMs. Other security vehicles in the vicinity however deterred them from their plans.

By now, the security company’s control room started looking for the guard after he failed to report in.

The traumatized man had to lay there while they were contemplating if they should kill him or not. One of them said they must not kill him because he might have a wife and children.

Eventually, they dropped him off next to the Vaaldam Road near Ratanda at 03:00 and told him not to look at them or they will shoot him. After they left he managed to get help.

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