Kingsway Park Vandalised

NIGEL - Due to an act of vandalism, Nigel residents will not be able to enjoy a family picnic at Kingsway Park next to the swimming pool.


The newly fitted picnic tables and chairs have been forcefully overturned by vandals on September 17. According to Nigel CPF executive patrol leader Alwyn van den Heever, the incident occurred around 18:30 while visitors of Nigel swimming pool were waiting on public transport to take them home.

Glass splinters from broken liquor bottles are scattered across the grass of the children’s play area in Kingsway Park next to Nigel swimming pool.

Nearby residents said in the summer months the park attracts hundreds of visitors from Duduza and Alrapark over weekends. Since no alcohol is allowed inside the swimming pool area, it seems visitors are consuming it in the park as pieces of broken liquor bottles scattered across the children’s play area pay sufficient evidence thereof.

“I am appalled by the destructive behaviour of some people,” Alwyn told HERAUT.

In what appears to be a random act of vandalism, the newly fitted picnic tables have been forced from the ground and overturned, as shown here by Lucinda Sheffly.


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