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No business in Nigel allowed to operate without valid licence

NIGEL - No person shall be allowed to operate a business in Nigel without a valid business licence issued by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM).



This was the subject under discussion at a business compliance meeting held at Nigel Library on May 26.

During the meeting, EMM’s Community Enterprise Development Plan and Economic Development tariffs were discussed with local business owners.

As part of the ongoing Business Licensing Process, the municipality is in process of conducting compliance visits at local businesses. The visits form part of the municipality’s economic development plan and include inspection visits by the Disaster Emergency Management Services. During the visits, problems of non-compliance were addressed and advice and corrective measures were given to business owners in order to assist with the compliance.

The purpose of the inspection visits is also to eliminate economic dilapidation of the town and the illegal trading of alcohol.

Any person wishing to conduct a business (including new businesses) will have to lodge an application with Nigel Customer Care Area Manager.

Once approved, a licence fee is required which is payable within three months from date of approval. An official licence (certificate of trade) will only be issued to a business owner, after full compliance and shall remain valid for an indefinite period.

The business licence however, shall be invalid once ownership changes and/or the business premises for which the business license was issued, changes the nature of its business operations.
The municipality has warned business owners that action will be taken against non-compliant business owners.

“Business owners not complying with the municipality’s regulations are invited to come forward to allow the municipality to assist them,” Jorro Segabutla said.

EMM’s tariffs for Economic Development, which are non-refundable and exclusive of any other payments due to the municipality, will come into effect from July 1. Business owners can also visit the Nigel Customer Care Centre in Hendrik Verwoerd Street for more information.

The tariff list is available on the municipality’s website


During a business compliance meeting held at Nigel Library on May 26, local business owners were given the opportunity to express their concerns regarding municipal legislation, which requires any person wishing to conduct a business, to apply with Nigel Town Council in order to have a business licence issued.
During a business compliance meeting held at Nigel Library on May 26, local business owners were given the opportunity to express their concerns regarding municipal legislation, which requires any person wishing to conduct a business, to apply with Nigel Town Council in order to have a business licence issued.

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