
Municipality needs property information

Residents can expect municipal field workers on their doorstep collecting information on their properties.

According to the office of the municipal manager, Lesedi Local Municipality (LLM) is still in the process of updating its records of all property across the municipal boundaries. This includes all properties that are privately and publicly owned, occupied or not and serviced by LLM.

Due to the complexity of the exercise, including the availability of property owners during the physical verification process, the exercise will continue until a fair amount of properties are verified.

Field workers will be carrying identification cards which will reflect all their information and project details for authentic identification and they will also be using LLM branded vehicles.

Residents must ensure they have the following documents available: ID book or driver’s licence, the home owner’s registration documents and if any buildings or alterations were added on to the property, copies of the building plans will be required. Tenants can produce their lease contract so that field workers can get the correct information on the owner of the property.

LLM asks that all rate payers and residents will be available during the physical information verification exercise. The municipality requests that residents who will only be available after office hours, leave a note at the premises indicating the time of availability. Alternatively Arthur Thokoane can be contacted during office hours on 016 492 0054 or send him an email to to advise on a convenient time for the visit.

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