What to expect in tomorrow’s edition of Heraut

A sneak peak into what you can expect in tomorrow's paper

The pages have been sent to the printers and, road accidents and other unexpected events permitting, your leading local newspaper should be delivered to your door tomorrow (Wednesday).

It was a busy week for the Heraut editorial team and the communities of Heidelberg, Nigel and surrounds can look forward to a well-balanced and informative edition.

We do, however, recommend that you have a few tissues at hand as quite a few tragic events took place over the past week.

By now the news of a Nigel CPF member who was killed in a downtown shootout has spread far and wide, but in the newspaper we also provide the details of Johnny Grobler’s funeral as well as some comment from Police.

Then we had a chat to a close friend of the late Manny da Costa who also passed away.

Moving towards Dunnottar you can find out how an elderly lady survived a brutal attack on her plot – unfortunately her gardener didn’t make it.

Dan is die besonderhede rondom die afsterwe van Grootvlei se Groblers ook baie tragies en het die gesin aan Heraut die begrafnisreëlings deurgegee.

Last week the EFF featured in Heraut for the good work they did at Ratanda Old Age home, but this week the men in red are believed to have started fighting each other.

Ons werp ook lig op die afsterwe van ‘n polisieman wat in 2015 vyf keer in die bors geskiet is. Hy het verlede week gesterf.

‘n Tweede snesieboks mag nodig wees wanneer u die berig lees oor die narkotiseur wat net eenvoudig nie kan jammer sê nie.

On a slightly more positive note, the mayor of Lesedi handed out bursaries and bicycles last week and Heidelberg SAPS managed to catch no less than 19 illegal miners.

Die jongspan word natuurlik ook nie afgeskeep nie en ons fotograwe het ‘n hele klomp pragtige kiekies tydens plaaslike atletiekbyeenkomste geneem.

Dan is daar ook ‘n witwarm insetsel oor naaimasjiene… nee nie daardie wat op die ou Alberton pad staan nie, regtes.


Indien u nie die koerant  by u besigheid of woning ontvang nie, laat ons asseblief per e-pos weet by reception.heraut@lantic.net of nigel.heraut@lantic.net




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