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Heidelberg businessess stand together to save bullfrogs

Sensitive period for endangered species.

Big businesses have come to the party in an effort to save Heidelberg’s bullfrogs in Station Street.

HERAUT reported on the endangered bullfrogs that appeared in the puddles in Station Street after the heavy storm that hit the area on November 12. Members of Gauteng Biodiversity Conservation immediately contacted the local SPCA and police to erect a danger tape around the area. This is a very sensitive period for the bullfrogs who are already on the red data list for highly endangered species.

Residents were streaming to the area to view the frogs. Unfortunately, the danger tape did not seem to deter some people and even 4×4 enthusiasts and quad bike riders thought it a good place to show off their skills.

Dorinda Deysel from Fidelity Security Group has started an initiative to erect a temporary fence to protect the frogs. She received financial assistance from various big Heidelberg companies and was waiting for the approval of Lesedi Local Municipality.

In the meantime, the danger tape fell flat after the second day that it was erected and another plan had to be made.

That is when the Heidelberg team of Working on Fire came to the rescue and assisted in erecting the danger tape properly until such time that the fence could be erected.



The material for the proper fence arrived shortly afterward and Dorinda obtained permission from the municipality on November 25. The Fidelity team started to erect the 450m fence over the past weekend. Dorinda says they will monitor the frogs throughout December after which time the fence will be removed until next year November when the frogs once again will appear from underground where they stay hidden for almost 11 months.

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