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Tech helps family reunite

“Technology is incredible and the end resulted in a family being reconnected,” Jane said.

The Heraut published an article about Jane Langheim, who returned to SA shortly after she emigrated to the United Kingdom, on February 8.

Journalist Letitia Van Zyl-Schultz received an email on May 9 from Stefano Biondi in London.

He believes Jane is a long-lost member of his family and claims she is the ex-wife of his uncle, Michael Kirwan, who emigrated to SA from London.

Biondi was researching his family tree and found the article about Jane in the Heraut.

Letitia contacted Jane and sent her the email received. The outcome was proof that the power of technology can connect a family tree.

The photo of Jane Langheim published with the article on February 8.

“Stefano Biondi is my ex-husband’s nephew. He had undertaken to do research regarding a family tree. He had been searching for me for several years and had tried to contact me after he had noticed I had done an internet search on the Kirwan family. I did this purely out of curiosity because I did not have much information on the family and wanted to do it for the benefit of my son,” Jane said.

“Upon receipt of Stefano’s contact details, I immediately emailed. Correspondence then ensued which, obviously, included the SA family – who and what has happened over the years. Stefano gave the same sort of information. It was incredible to learn of commonalities between the SA and UK families. Hobbies such as golf and interests such as travel and career paths such as digital marketing,” Jane added.

“Technology is incredible, and the end resulted in a family being reconnected,” Jane said.

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