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Wat gebeur in Nigel en Heidelberg

Beplan jy ‘n geleentheid, fondsinsameling of ‘n funksie. Ons plaas dit gratis. Stuur volledige besonderhede na letitiav@caxton.co.za


• 4 May

Lesedi Community Centre is hosting its annual cycling fundraising event, Western Race 4 Hope at Poortjie, Heidelberg. To enter or for more information, contact Henrietta van Zyl at 082 571 5421.

• 8 Mei

Masincedane hou hulle fondsinsameling golf dag by Heidelberg Golf Klub. Kontak Christine Kruger by 083 468 3358 vir meer inligting.

11 May:

The Heidelberg Methodist Church is hosting a fundraiser wellness breakfast starting at 7:30 until 10:00 and is open for whoever is interested. Tickets are R100 per person and includes a buffet breakfast. A doctor from Heidelberg Life Suikerbosrand Hospital will be speaking about physical wellness and a representative from the GP Consumerist Board will be speaking about consumer rights or financial wellness.

Representatives from CANSA, AVBOB and SANBS will have five minute talks/briefs and nurses will be present to do tests. There is also a list where one can fill in his/her name to take part in a free demonstration gym session on May 13 at 08:00. For more information or to book, contact Hugo de Koningh at 083 630 0391.

• 24 en 25 Mei

Die KameelFees vind by die Laerskool AG Visser plaas. Talle aktiwiteite word beplan en bekende kunstenaars gaan optree. Tydens die KameelFees sal daar ook ‘n woordkuns produksie wees oor die lewe en werk van AG Visser. Die VLU Rensburg tak dames sal sorg vir die teetent. Kontak Van Zyl Schultz by 082 560 2275 vir meer inligting, om ‘n stalletjie te boek of om betrokke te raak as ‘n borg.


• Die Silveroaks parkrun vind elke Saterdag om 08:00 by Houtpoort 392, Heidelberg plaas. Drawwers en stappers word uitgenooi om die 5km roete saam met die gemeenskap te geniet. Vir meer inligting, besoek die Silveroaks parkrun Facebookblad.

• Die Suikerbosoord hou elke eerste Vrydag van die maand ‘n pannekoek fondsinsameling. Indien enige persone wil help kan hulle Marthie Greyling by 084 548 2665 kontak. Vir meer inligting, kontak Marlene Walkden by 079 974 7221.

• Die Suikerbosoord kliniek bied elke Woensdag vanaf 11:00 tot 13:00 verskeie noodsaaklike dienste aan die gemeenskap. Die kliniek is by Freemanstraat 2. Kontak die kliniek by 016 349 5180 vir besprekings asook koste navrae.


• 3 May

Die NG Kerk Nigel-Suid hou ‘n gholfdag op 3 Mei by State Mines Gholf Klub. Aankoms is 10h00. Kontak Christo Fouche by 082 496 5463 of Morne Nel by 071 735 1709.

• Ferryvale parkrun vind elke Saterdag om 08:00 by Jim Fouché Park plaas. Drawwers en stappers word uitgenooi om die 5km roete saam te geniet. Vir meer inligting besoek die Ferryvale parkrun Facebook blad.

• The Friends of Marievale Nature Reserve meet every second Saturday of the month in the conference centre at the Marievale Nature Reserve after the Springs/Nigel Wessa meeting, which starts at 09:00. Interested parties are welcome to attend. For further details, contact Dee Johnson at 073 501 6333 or Justin Donaldson at 072 373 7151.

Beplan jy ‘n geleentheid, fondsinsameling of ‘n funksie. Ons plaas dit gratis. Stuur volledige besonderhede na letitiav@caxton.co.za

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