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Bergsig’s new SAPS sector commander introduced

Safety is a concern and issues will be addressed.

The new Bergsig SAPS sector commander, Constable Doris Nkosi, was introduced to the community at a meeting on July 26.

The turnout from the Bergsig community was better than they expected.

Flip Minnaar from the Heidelberg CPF welcomed everyone and explained the agenda of the meeting.

Flip Minnaar from the CPF.

“We as the community are the eyes and ears of the police,” Minnaar said.

“The police cannot be everywhere, but we, as the people of Heidelberg, can help and become part of fighting crime in Heidelberg.

“We must be vigilant and be involved. Crime fighting is everyone’s business, to ensure the SAPS bring the criminals to book.”

Heidelberg station commander Colonel Phiwe Ndwandwe outlined the role of the SAPS in the community.

Heidelberg SAPS station commander Colonel Phiwe Ndwandwe.

“Crime is affecting everyone and together we can make a difference. The crime currently committed include hijackings, car theft, home invasions, burglaries and invading empty properties,” said Ndwandwe.

“We need to be vigilant and not leave anything valuable where it is easily accessible.

“Another area where we need the public to assist us is the location of parole defaulters.

“That is a huge concern and the police need help from the community,” continued Ndwandwe.

“I am honoured to be the sector commander of Bergsig,” Nkosi said.

“Together we can make a difference in the community.

“We will re-look the by-laws to ensure Bergsig stays clean and hopefully crime-free.

“Drugs and illegal substances are a major concern, and we need to do whatever we can to get it off our streets.”

Various members of the community had concerns about issues in Bergsig. These included drugs and illegal substances, public drinking, dagga use, school children loitering in the streets during school times or not giving motorists space on the streets when coming out of school, vacant houses invaded by vagrants, and street vendors operating without the correct permits.

“We as Heidelberg SAPS will look into all the issues and report soon on all the mentioned issues,” Ndwandwe concluded.

Contact Nkosi on 042 887 0167 and Ndwandwe on 082 300 0016. Alternatively, call the relief command office on 071 675 7293.

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