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Learners sensitised to substance abuse

The Heidelberg Crime Prevention Unit visited Mountain View High School.

The Heidelberg SAPS visited Mountain View High School in Bergsig on April 12.

During the visit, the Crime Prevention Unit searched the school with the K-9 unit, the Sedibeng Youth Desk, Ratanda patrollers, Heidelberg patrollers and various other role players.

Part of the search was to ensure substance abuse got priority and was removed as a vice. The premises and the learnersÂ’ school bags were searched.

Afterwards, the learners were sensitised to the dangers of substance abuse and bullying.

The Heidelberg SAPS Crime Prevention Unit will visit other schools in the area because this is an ongoing programme.

If any school wants the Crime Prevention Unit to visit them, they can call Constable Doris Nkosi on 072 887 0167 or 016 341 0353.

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