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Wellness tips to improve your health this World Health Day

Want to lead a healthy lifestyle? Here's how to get started.

April 7 marks the commemoration of World Health Day

This is a day dedicated to shedding light on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle while encouraging everyone to achieve this by making minor adjustments to their daily routine.

“As a health service provider, SANBS values the importance of general wellness which is why we advocate for healthy and wholesome living and promote this to our blood donors,” said Dr Pheello Melato, lead consultant of donor services at SANBS.

Leading a healthy lifestyle may seem tough and restrictive, but through small adjustments, this is something that can be done.

Pheello shared five everyday wellness tips that go a long way in keeping one happy and healthy.

• Eat healthy food

Make it a point to go for foods rich in nutrients and fibre, but low in calories. For example, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, skinless poultry, lean meats, and fatty fish like salmon, trout, and herring.
Limit processed foods with saturated and trans fats, salt and added sugar.

•Walk more

Walking is a great form of exercise and has many health benefits. Simply add more steps to your day by taking a longer route to your most frequented destinations.

Where you can, instead of taking an elevator, rather take the stairs.

• Drink enough water

Over and above quenching your thirst, water plays many roles in your body including regulating body temperature and blood pressure.

To make sure you drink enough of this life juice, keep a water bottle near you as it serves as a great reminder to drink water consistently.

• Make safe choices regarding your sexual behaviour

Leading a sexually safe lifestyle is vital to overall healthy living. Picking the right partner is a good start.
The key to this is minimising the risk of contracting infections that can be transmitted through blood or bodily fluids.

• Get enough sleep

To function optimally, getting enough sleep is crucial. Try to go to sleep at around the same time every night to form a good routine.

This will also reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Once you have successfully incorporated all these simple tips into your daily routine, you will be set towards leading a good, healthy lifestyle.

This will also help you become a healthy regular blood donor, allowing you to assist those in need of emergency blood as blood stocks remain critically low.

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