KidsParenting News

The effects of stress on your pregnancy

Finding out you are expecting a bundle of joy is the most exciting time for any mother and father. But with the joy, stress can silently sneak depending on what is going on in your life at that point in time. External factors can also contribute to the stress. Currently the world is facing a …

Finding out you are expecting a bundle of joy is the most exciting time for any mother and father. But with the joy, stress can silently sneak depending on what is going on in your life at that point in time. External factors can also contribute to the stress. Currently the world is facing a pandemic, people are losing jobs or their salaries are being cut. This could easily contribute to the stress of any parents, who know that the new member of the family means extra financial strain. Your pregnancy could come with complications, which could also contribute to the stress. It really can be a number of mounting issues. Stress in pregnancy, unfortunately, can have a negative impact you and your unborn baby and even after they are born.

The impact on the unborn child and beyond
Researchers from the Universities of Cambridge, Birmingham, New York and Leiden found that your emotional struggles while pregnant can predict your toddler’s emotions and behaviour.
This is the first study of its kind to look at the influence of both parents’ emotional well being before and after birth, on their baby at 14 and 24 months of age. The findings highlight that it is vital to provide emotional support and anti-stress techniques before, during and after pregnancy.

The findings
Research is clear that those who had a stressful pregnancy are like to have toddlers displaying behavioural and emotional problems such as tantrums, being overly tearful, scaring easily or being clingy.
The study, published recently in Development & Psychology, found that the mental and emotional well being of first-time moms and dads directly impacted the behaviour of their toddler children by the time they were two.

The Centre of Perinatal Excellence has found that both pregnant women and their partners can benefit from utilising relaxation techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Knowledge is power so being familiar with what is going to happen and what you can anticipate will help set your and your partner’s mind at rest.

Muscle relaxation
By tensing and relaxing specific muscle groups in your body, you can release muscle tension caused by stress.

What to do:
⦁ Get into a comfortable position.
⦁ If necessary, place pillows to support your joints and have your arms and legs comfortably flexed.
⦁ Breathe in and slowly release.
⦁ Focus on the muscles in your forehead. Contract them as if frowning. Release.
⦁ Squeeze your eyes shut, release and keep them gently closed.
⦁ Clench and release your jaw.
⦁ Pull your shoulders up towards your ears as high as you can, slowly release.
⦁ Make fists and straighten your arms, locking your elbows. Slowly release.
⦁ Breath in deeply expanding your chest as wide as you can. Slowly breathe out and relax.
⦁ Clench your stomach muscles (as much as you can), and slowly relax.
⦁ Pull up and tighten your butt cheeks. Release.
⦁ Tighten your thighs, lock your knees, and point your toes until you feel a stretch in your calves. Slowly relax and release.
⦁ Tighten all your muscles at the same time. Release.
⦁ Breathe in and out slowly and deeply.
⦁ Stay in this relaxed mode for a few minutes, allowing all the stress of your day fade away.

Controlled deep breathing can help lower your blood pressure, your stress levels and help promote a state of calm.

What to do:
⦁ Get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying on your side.
⦁ Focus your attention on your breathing, keeping it slow and easy.
⦁ Breathe in and out deeply, letting go of all your stress and frustrations as you breathe out.

Move your focus
Closing your eyes and imagining you are in a safe, calm and relaxing environment can help ease your current stressors.

What to do:
⦁ Simply get comfortable, in a chair or on your bed.
⦁ Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, feeling your chest rise and fall with each breath you take.
⦁ Imagine your favourite place – perhaps it is on the beach, or lying in a field of grass, or staring at a beautiful sunset. Bring that memory to mind and focus on the sounds, colours, smells and textures.
Enjoy the stillness of your place, allowing it to envelop you, leaving you with a sense of peace.

Five quick steps to de-stress:
1. Focus on your baby.
2. Talk about your anxiety or stressors. You may find your partner shares these too.
3. Eat well, stay hydrated and rest well.
4. Go for a walk or do some gentle exercise.
5. Read up and prepare for birth and what to expect afterwards.

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