
Senior citizens invited to a special concert in their honour

Germiston Association for the Aged invites senior citizens to come and enjoy a concert.

Are you in the mood for a morning of music and fun?

Germiston Association for the Aged (GAFA) proudly presents Clive Bruce in concert on October 2 at 10am.

The event is in celebration of International Day for Older Persons, which takes place annually on October 1.

All senior citizens are invited to come and enjoy the concert, which will take place at the Dutch Reformed Church Cachet hall in Thistle Street, Primrose (opposite Primrose Primary School).



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Your entrance fee is a can of non-perishable food, which will be used to make food parcels for underprivileged senior citizens.

Refreshments and meals will be sold at the event.

For more information or to RSVP contact GAFA on 011 383 000, email helpdesk@gafa.co.za or visit the office, situated on the corner of Churchill Avenue and Tulip Road, Primrose.


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Contact the newsroom by emailing: Melissa Hart (Editor) germistoncitynews@caxton.co.za or Leigh Hodgson (News Editor) leighh@caxton.co.za.

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