Local basketballers to compete in big competitions

“Basketball is more fun than netball. The two sports are not that different from each other. The bouncing and the shooting is what sets the two apart.”

Germiston City Basketball Club’s Palesa Moloi and Sphamandla Mavuso are set to compete in big competitions from July 23 to August 9.

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“Mavuso will be part of the team playing in the Ekurhuleni Basketball League play-off.

“Moloi will compete in the Ekurhuleni Women Basketball Championships in Kempton Park,” said Motheo Pule, Germiston City Basketball Club’s assistance coach.

Mavuso said before he started playing basketball it was fun watching the game.

“It is exciting to be part of the team. We have an experienced coach who shares his knowledge,” said Mavuso.

He said he started playing while he was in Grade Six at Keketso Primary School in Katlehong.

“When I went to high school I didn’t play for almost a year. I remember playing my first game for the club. It was terrible.

“I came from the bench during the OR Tambo Soncini Games,” said Mavuso.

“Next year I will be going to university. I am hoping that I will continue playing for my team and for my varsity as well,” said Mavuso.

Moloi said she started playing netball before she was recruited by coach Seaparo Ramaube to play basketball.

“At first I didn’t know that girls are allowed to play basketball. I thought netball was for girls and basketball was for boys,” said Moloi.

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“Basketball is more fun than netball. The two sports are not that different from each other. The bouncing and the shooting is what sets the two apart,” she said.

“I would love to play the sports professionally and inspire a whole new generation of women. We need more women contesting in basketball because it is still a male-dominated sport,” said Moloi.

“I don’t know of any female basketball player that I can point to and say I draw inspiration from her,” she said.
Ramaube said Mavuso has been playing for the team since he was 10.

“He is one the most improved players in the team. He is still young and already competed in big tournaments,” he said.

“Moloi plays in the girls U19 team at only 16 years of age. She is bubbly and friendly. She brings laughter to the team,” said the coach.

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