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Race your way to a love for radio control car racing

Explore the world of radio control car racing with RC Superbowl.

Nestled snugly at the back of the Elsburg Sports Complex is a hidden gem in the world of radio control car racing – RC Superbowl.

RC Superbowl, which was established in 1985, is a radio control car racing club for 1:10th electric off-road cars.

The club has a proud history of racing and has been the host of multiple South African Radio Drivers Association (SARDA) National Championships over the years, being home to the longest running dirt track in South Africa and boasting some of the fastest racers in the competitive circuit at the moment.

The GCN visited the club last Sunday, during their first monthly race meeting of the year.

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“We have been here for years,” explained Guilherme de Sousa, on behalf of the club.

“We used to only have the dirt track at the club, but since the introduction of the carpet track in February 2019 our numbers have begun to grow.”

De Sousa further explained that in South Africa and globally carpet track racing is growing in popularity.

“We have a lot of entries at our club races and I believe it is because of the carpet track,” said de Sousa.

“With the carpet the level of competitiveness is higher and you will always find someone to compete against.”

De Sousa explained that the carpet offers a lot more grip and that people interested in racing, but who have never done it before, can take a car out of the box, put it on the track and race.

In doing so they are able to build their passion for the sport and experience without getting disheartened.

“With a dirt track you need more experience to be able to race,” said de Sousa.

“Whereas with the carpet you can be a novice and still have a good time racing, while slowly building up your skills.

“That is why you will see, like today’s event, we have a lot of families and friends in attendance, but among them are racers who compete at a national championship level.”

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Aside from the thrill of whizzing around the track and winning races, de Sousa explained one of the best things about radio control car racing, in his opinion, is the bonding between families and friends.

“I personally started racing at the club in 2000 with my father and we are still racing together,” he said.

“And we really have bonded over it.

“It is wonderful to be part of a racing community like this.”

The club holds race meetings once a month which are open to anyone.

“It is not all about competing – it is about having fun and enjoying a great day out,” said de Sousa.

For more details about the club visit their website at www.superbowl.co.za or their Facebook page by searching RC Superbowl.

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