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Golf day rakes in the funds for Germiston Child Welfare

Full field of golfers tee off to raise funds for Germiston Child Welfare.

Germiston Child Welfare recently hosted its annual fund-raising golf day at Germiston Golf Club.

“It was a beautiful spring day and we had an enormous turnout of support.

“With a full field of 136 players it could not be anything but huge fun and a great success,” said Barbara Bouwer, director of Germiston Child Welfare.

“We thank all the players, donors, sponsors and every single person who made a contribution towards the success of the day.”

Having a wonderful time at the Germiston Child Welfare fund-raising golf day and showing off a wonderful surprise check from co-hosts Accumulo Consulting are Roland Hide, Barbara Bouwer (director of Germiston Child Welfare), Shaleen Endres, Chanelle van Eeden, Anel van Wyk, Angela Morgan, Vanessa Russo, Alexandra Amorim and Leanne Mulligan.

Bouwer added that the organisation gives a special word of thanks to Macsteel Service Centres, Supertec Ceilings & Board, Bolt & Engineering and Accumulo Consulting for sponsoring holes and for their participation in the golf day, as well as to each and every team who entered and each company that supported the day.

The prize-giving evening was very special with every single player walking away with a prize of their choice due to the wonderful donation of prizes towards the event.

“Special guest and well-known South African women’s golfer Ashley Simon joined us on the day and it was wonderful sharing an evening with such a humble person in women’s golf,” said Bouwer.

The Germiston Golf Club was the perfect setting for Germiston Child Welfare’s annual fund-raising golf day.

The evening was rounded off with a successful auction of memorabilia, and a surprise handover of a cheque by co-hosts and organisers of the event Accumulo Consulting.

“Thank you to the team from Accumulo Consulting for all the arrangements, preparations and ensuring one of the most successful golf days ever hosted by us,” said Barbara.

“The board of management and staff thank everyone for their support and their contribution in whichever way such support took place.

“We have a huge task ahead of us and our fund-raising events take us a little step closer each time to achieving our objectives.”



Donations needed to assist home for abused women and girls

Parents sought in connection with their children


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