USA competition beckons local bodybuilder

Lyall Bluett is currently training for a tough competition which is set to take place in Florida, in the USA.

Lyall Arthur Bluett is currently training hard for the NPC National Bodybuilding Championships.

The competition will be held in Florida in the USA on March 11 and Bluett will compete in either the bodybuilding division or the physique division.

He trains at Unique Physique in Primrose and his trainer Marius Wessels (co-owner of the gym) is optimistic about Bluett’s chances at the competition.

“I am sure he will do very well as he has worked hard over the past few months,” Wessels said.

Over the past three months Bluett’s main focus has been on correcting his weak points and building bulk and size.

He trained four days a week.

Currently he is into his second week of following a very strict diet, and cardio and posing have also been added to his training programme.

“Everyone at Unique Physique wishes him well for the competition,” Wessels said.


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