Teen shows his power

Unique Physique is proud of teenager Michael Snook’s achievements.

Michael Snook (18) is one of Unique Physique’s rising young stars.

He recently competed in the Rhino Powerlifting qualifier in the bench press, squat and deadlift categories.

But he truly shone in the deadlift category, breaking a South African as well as a world record in the event.

Currently Snook is waiting for the official recognition of his world record from the GPC (Global Powerlifting Committee).

He should have confirmation by May 1 and everyone at the gym is very excited.

In the event Snook, weighing in at 164.4kg, lifted a weight of 253.5kg, shattering both the South African and world records.

On Saturday, Snook was due to compete in a competition entitled Empowered in the Teen Three Super Heavyweight division.

The competition was held in Silverton in Pretoria.

All at Unique Physique are proud of this gentle giant and wish him well for all his future events.


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