Knockout day of boxing

The crowd was not left wanting at “Prospects of the Palace II”.

It was an explosive Sunday at the Palace of Dreams when Golden Gloves, African Ring and Emperors Palace presented “Prospects of the Palace II”.

The eleven fight event had both young and old on the edge of their seats, with only five fights making it past the first round.

The first match saw featherweight Nyiko Ndukula take on Anthony Malosane.

Malosane seemed to be the stronger of the two men from the onset.

Listening to the instructions screamed from his team, he managed to get Ndukula on the ropes on more than one occasion, throughout the four rounds.

The match ended with Malosane as the winner, by the judges’ unanimous decision.

The second fight on the card saw the first technical knockout (TKO) of the day when junior flyweights Nyelasani Thamabega and Sihle Lelwane faced-off.

A well-timed punch to the head, from Thamabega, saw Lelwane falling into the corner in a daze, causing the referee to stop the match and declare Thamabega the winner by TKO, one minute and 31 seconds into the first round.

Clear fan favourite Joshua Studdard faced off against Mthobisi Nkosi in the junior bantamweight fight.

Both men were light on their feet from the start but it was Nkosi that seemed to have the upper hand in the early stages of the match.

This turned around though when, to the delighted cheer of his supporters, Studdard managed to land a key punch to Nkosi’s head, sending him to the ropes where he received a series of quick jabs to the head knocking him out.

Studdard won the match one minute and 57 seconds into the first round by knockout (KO).

The main event, and only six-round fight of the day, saw junior flyweights Dee-Jay Kriel and Khotle Morabedi face-off.

The gruelling match saw both men giving their all through all six rounds.

However, it was Kriel who was named the winner by a unanimous decision from the the judges.

Other results on fight-card:

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