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Local tennis club is ready for the year

Great plans on the cards for Ekurhuleni Tennis School of Excellence.

The Ekurhuleni Tennis School of Excellence (ETSOE) is among the clubs back at practise.

“We are back and hope to continue last year’s success into this year,” said the head coach, Loyiso Matsha.

“Last year we launched the individual coaching programme, in which a coach focuses primarily on one child, as opposed to four or five at a time.

“This has helped each player develop more and faster, which is why we continue with it.

“This kind of coaching takes place after practise, and at an extra coast.”

Matsha said that each practise day has a different programme.

“We have decided to introduce other sporting codes, such as touch rugby, basketball and soccer; this helps with their physical fitness,” he said

“Not much emphasis is placed on the other sporting codes, though, as we focus on what the players can adapt from them to better their tennis techniques.

“That is another important development: building physical fitness.”

Club members played in tournaments regularly last year.

“Players will challenge each other in internal tournaments; this will help them to train and prepare for the bigger external tournaments,” explained Matsha.

“So, first practise, and then we play tournaments.”

Camps also seem to be on the log for the club.

“Mental toughness training and different tennis strokes are among the things to be focused on at the camps we plan to attend this year,” explained Matsha.

“We are in full practise mode; I want the youngsters to get used to playing and to build good stamina.

“Today we were just opening the club, but senior practise is every Saturday from 8.30am to 10am, and our juniors train every Tuesday, from 3.30pm to 5pm.

“We urge all parents to also attend the practises and internal tournaments, to encourage the children, instead of just dropping them off and collecting them.

“Their support goes a long way and the youngsters play differently when they are motivated.

“I know we all have commitments, but at least once or twice a month would be great.

“We look forward to a fruitful and prosperous year ahead.”

The club practises at the Germiston Stadium tennis courts.

For more information contact Matsha on 071 381 6226.


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