Local sportSport

On the search for new players

Dinwiddie United Football Club will kick-start the year’s events with training on January 26.

Was joining a football club one of your New Year’s resolutions?

The Dinwiddie United Football Club is calling on new and experienced players to attend their pre-season training.

“The first training session will be held on January 26, at the Scawlands fields, in Albemarle,” said the club’s head coach, Percy Matlatse.

“Training will take place every Tuesday and Thursday, from 5pm to 7pm.

“We are looking to expand the club and have more teams, so all are welcome to join our training.

For more information contact Matlatse on 083 994 9797, or Sammy Papo on 076 176 2700. Alternatively, send an email to dinwiddieunitedfc@gmail.com.


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