Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Guardian angel helps elderly resident

Hazeldene senior citizen gets help when she needs it most.

Penny Rabe, daughter of a Hazeldene resident, writes:

It is seldom in today’s time that one individual goes to such extreme lengths to assist a citizen in the community.

At 9.30am on March 24 Ekurhuleni disconnected my elderly mum’s electricity.

I logged a call to the powers that be and was given a reference number.

They were unable to, or, would not say what the problem was.

Continuous follow-ups to this call centre were fruitless.

I informed the Lambton Chat WhatsApp Group and the CPF of the problem.

Being left in the dark for senior citizen is not a pleasant experience at all.

At 5.45pm that day, Lornette Joseph sent me private text asking me for all details of problem, as well as the call reference number.

Lornette continuously kept me informed on the problem, and assured me of mum’s safety during the night.

By 9.45pm the communication link to Aid Call, to which mum is linked, had failed as the back-up battery is on 12 hours, as well as electric gate access to the property.

Early Saturday morning continuous calls to the call centre remained fruitless.

At 7.40am on Saturday, Lornette informed me that they had cut the power as mum was in arrears. Her March account actually reflects a credit of R1 905.45.

Apparently the property next to mum was in fact the defaulter.

Lornette advised that unless I presented proof of this to the actual council office, no one would help me.

So after sitting at the council office for what seemed forever I presented account statements to the clerk, who agreed the account was in credit and blatantly denied that mum’s electricity had been cut.

I sent all details to Lornette who assured me that she would ensure mum would be reconnected.

At 3.04pm, two individuals arrived at the pole outside mum’s house in Hazeldene, climbed onto a ladder and removed a pin from the top of the pole, which they threw into bakkie, and we had lights!

They advised that as they cannot read the numbers on the poles, they had disconnected the incorrect house.

No apology at all, just an attitude of total absence of liability of their error.

Had Lornette not intervened I would never been told the truth of the council blunder.

Shocking that we are forced to pay for services that do not exist.

Lornette you are a guardian angel.

Thank you so much.

I honestly appreciate all your assistance.

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