Resident shares her harrowing experience

A Primrose resident shares her emotions after her home was robbed.

A Primrose resident writes:

I write to the housebreakers, thieves and criminals of Primrose, about the devastation left behind by your crimes.

Did you know that the morning you and your accomplices entered my house illegally and stole from me, I was helping a friend whose mother was critically ill in ICU and was in need?

Did you know that I am an elderly woman who is struggling?

I know you could see when you entered my house that I have less than nothing, but you and your friends still walked through my lounge and bedroom, you must have been excited to see my TVs, my only “expensive” assets, something at least for you to steal; rewarding your trouble of the morning.

Did you know that one of these TVs was bought for me by my son when my previous house burned down?

Why did you decide to break the safe in the cupboard out the wall when you must have guessed there was no money inside it, as you could see the house was basically empty?

Did you know that when you threw my few pieces of junk jewellery on the floor my late mother’s ring and watch was amongst the objects you disrespected?

Did you know that the linen and blankets you took are the only ones I have, and that I have had to borrow blankets to sleep under at night after you ransacked my little home?

Did you know that the two pure white Maltese poodles that you kicked and manhandled still tried to lick away my tears when I sat down and burst into tears as I looked at the devastation you caused in my life?

Did you know the pain and devastation you would leave behind?

Unfortunately you don’t know but I do…

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