Resident charged over R100 000 for leak

Will metro reverse charges?

Alex van Niekerk, of Fishers’ Hill, writes:

I live in Rigel Street and have been wrongfully charged more than R100 000 for a leak that started more than three years ago.

I have reported the leak to the metro on several occasions.

I would like to know what the cause of the leak was and why it was not repaired?

I would also like to find out if the metro will reverse the charges to my account, as it was not my fault that the leak was not repaired?

Editor’s note: Metro spokesman Themba Gadebe said the leak was an internal problem, which is not the responsibility of the municipality.

“The account was billed according to consumption registered on the water meter,” he explained.

“An adjustment for the internal leak was made according to council policy and the water services can, therefore, not make any further recommendation.”

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