A need for responsible pet owners

Are you fit to own a pet?

Jane Smith of Homestead writes:

After reading about the tragic death of a man attacked by three dogs in the area, I feel the need to voice my concern.

Every single day I see dogs running in the streets, making other neighbourhood dogs bark.

There seems to be a huge number of dogs in every single house, which inconveniences everyone, except the owner.

Why have so many dogs if they cannot be controlled?

The noise is overwhelming and yet, people with the dogs leave their animals barking at the front gate.

Most people get very emotional about any comments about their dogs, and if you request they control or train them, they threaten you.


Think about this question: Why do you have dogs?

Your dogs, which you call your ‘children’, stay at the gate all day, or run in the street and you, the owner, have no idea what they are up to.

Is it not your responsibility, as an owner, to know exactly where they are and what they are doing?

If not, please reconsider being an owner of that neglected pet.

Yes, I believe these animals are neglected.

Not every person should have a pet, and you should seriously look at yourself as a pet owner.

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