
Thanks to the police for taking time to be observant

Great work by the Primrose police.

Adelina de Lima, Homestead, writes:

I thank the Primrose police officers who were so observant and efficient in the early hours of a recent Saturday morning.

Well done and thank you ever so much.

Unfortunately, I did not get to meet them.

At about 2.20am, we woke up to the police car siren and blue lights, thinking that this was for our neighbours and not us.

The police van must have been outside our gate for at least seven minutes.

Eventually we decided to get up and see what the commotion was about, only to find that we had accidentally not closed our gate with the remote.

They stayed at our gate with the siren and blue lights on until we got up and closed the gate.

Thank you so much for being so observant and persevering in the early hours until we got out of bed.

Anything could have happened as anybody could have walked right into our property.

I commend them and, again, I cannot say how grateful we are for what they did.

We appreciate all the excellent work that the police do for us in our suburb.

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One Comment

  1. This is a case of negligence and carelessness. These people were lucky that the cops spotted the open gate. Had something gone wrong, they would have been the authors of their own misfortune! How can one forget his/her driveway open in this day and age? This is pure carelessness…

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