
Resident reacts to neighbour’s behaviour

Resident shocked by neighbour's behaviour.

“A disgruntled Primrose resident” writes:

It is so amazing that, after 20 years of democracy, we still have some people who see themselves as being superior to others.

On Saturday, April 12, there was an incident at the flats in Primrose where I live.

I had an altercation with one of my neighbours, who was complaining about the noise level my children were making at 6.30pm.

Calmly, I went to speak to her and asked her to be reasonable, as it was only 6.30pm.

Sadly she went on to blow the situation out of proportion in front of the body corporate chairman, and become racially abusive by calling me the “K” word and my kids bastards.

She even went on to threaten my life and the lives of my children.

When I told her I would report the incident to the police, she shouted: “Come with a white cop, because I will only deal with a white cop.

“I will also go to police station and report the matter to a white cop.”

It is sad to think that, on May 7, we will all be exercising our freedom and right to vote for democracy, and yet people this; do not see that all people deserve freedom.

Why are we celebrating Freedom Day if we still live with such people in our community?

As parents we always teach our children to respect and love their neighbours, but how can you teach them to respect a person who has no respect for themselves, our country, our fallen heroes and the democracy?

I thought I should share this, as it really saddens me that there is such a mentality out there.

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