
What are you thankful for?

This week Thanksgiving was celebrated in America. It is an annual, traditional, national holiday and a day for everyone to give thanks for the blessings they have received during the year.

The holiday is based on religious and traditional principles but is also enjoyed from a worldly point of view.

Often we focus on negative things; so it would be good to take an entire day to focus on the good things. South Africa is one of the top countries for the worst crime statistics and we see it in the news every day.

According to Crime Stats SA more than 161 000 have been murdered in South Africa since 2004, the world average for murder is 7.6 per 100 000 people; murder in South Africa is 36.5 per 100 000 and 5 900 crimes are reported by the SAPS every day.

It`s been estimated that SA has lost R 650-billion to corruption over the last 18 years, and now we have to pay for E-tolls. It seems like a lost cause, and for many it is. According to Prof Schlebusch, a South African authority on stress and suicide, recent research in the country shows that on average, suicide accounts for 9.5% of non-natural deaths in young people and 11% in adults.

Dim as the future for our country may seem, we must remember to focus on the good in life. Family, friends, children and pets are what I think make this life a good one. Remember to tell those close to you how much you love and appreciate them. Let them know that whatever they do or get themselves into, you will be there to help them. Knowing that you have at least one person to rely on in a time of need is what every person needs to look forward and carry on with life when sorrow or disaster strikes.

My husband and I live in a small cottage on my parent’s yard. It’s not much, but it’s our home. We love living close to family and with each other. His folks are just around the corner and if either of our electricity is cut off, we can count on each other for a hot shower and a cup of coffee.

We have two adorable, mixed breed dogs, who we adopted from Kitty and Puppy Haven. They are happy to have a home and keep me company before my husband gets home from work.

We get by each month and can afford to pay all our bills on time. We cannot afford to buy our own house or even cars (which are financed), and I portion all the meat items we buy, such as bacon, chicken and mince. We don’t waste food and don’t eat out; but preparing a delicious, affordable meal for my husband every night is all I need.

My husband loves me and I him; he is a good man with true values and morals. He would never hurt me in any way and I try to give him the happiness he deserves. Every Monday night is boys night and I let him go without any guilt or resentment for leaving me alone at home, because the truth is that I enjoy seeing him happy; and who doesn’t like a bit of me time every now and then?

If we fall on hard times I know that we will be able to rely on each other and our folks, and for this I am eternally grateful.

So I am going to give thanks for everything positive and all the people I have in my life this weekend; and I will try to be good to strangers whenever and wherever I can.

What are you grateful for?

I’d love to hear from you!


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