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SAPS brings results with high-density operation

"Dagga, cigarettes and lighters were found in the dumped in the rubbish bin. The community was encouraged to work hand in hand with the police in order to win the fight against crime."

In a major operation led by Mayor General Anna Sithole, law enforcement agencies in Ekurhuleni focused on the recovery of stolen vehicles on July 11.

The high-density operation, aimed at rooting out crime and ensuring the safety of citizens, saw significant achievements.

CPS Security played a crucial role, setting up a roadblock on Francois Oberholzer Freeway.

Germiston SAPS Station commander, Brigadier Nonhlanhla Shezi and Germiston CPF chairperson Renee Germeshuisen.

Utilising a license plate recognition system, they scanned 3 000 vehicles, all of which were cleared.

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The operation resulted in 45 traffic fines, the shutdown of four illegal liquor outlets, and several arrests.

Five individuals were apprehended for drug possession and two for dealing in dagga.

Twenty-five illegal immigrants were also detained as well as four individuals for employing illegal. Six J534 tickets were issued, totaling R5 000 in fines.

Mayor General Sithole highlighted the rise in car hijacking and motor vehicle theft in Germiston, particularly in hotspots such as Germiston, Delville, and Dukathole informal settlement.

She expressed concern over the increase in assaults, including grievous bodily harm (GBH) and common assaults.

An EMPD traffic officer checks a driver’s licence of a motorist during the high-density operation in Germiston on July 11.

“The operation commenced on Wednesday, with our detectives and crime intelligence members working across Ekurhuleni.

“They arrested 200 suspects for various crimes, including 121 for contact crimes, 15 for contact-related crimes, 49 for other serious crimes, and 27 for gender-based violence issues,” said Sithole.

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Further operations by crime intelligence members on Wednesday resulted in eight arrests for possession and dealing in drugs and dagga, and one for possession of unlicensed ammunition.

Confiscated items included drugs, dagga, gambling machines, food, facial products, and pills.

Germiston SAPS station commander, Brigadier Nonhlanhla Shezi urged the community to actively participate in crime prevention.

This suspect was arrested for possession of drugs in Germiston.

“The community is asked to report matters to the station. Domestic-related issues are also a concern in Germiston, and we are raising awareness with teams on the ground ready to assist,” said Shezi.

Shezi also addressed the issue of public drinking, linking it to the larger challenges of contact crimes and domestic violence.

“We have made arrests for public drinking and hope to see a decrease in such incidents. Alcohol abuse significantly contributes to these problems,” she added.

In parallel to the high-density operation, a school search was conducted at Germiston High School, resulting in the discovery of dagga, cigarettes, and lighters in a rubbish bin.

Dagga confiscated from a civilian in Germiston during a high-density operation on July 11.

ALSO READ: Crime and winter: ‘Criminals are not afraid of the cold’

A community imbizo was held at Dukathole informal settlement to address residents’ concerns about crime.

Germiston CPF chairperson Renee Germeshuisen urged residents to report cases of gender-based violence and domestic abuse without withdrawing charges.

“We have structures for residents to volunteer and teams in each sector to assist with any crime-related matters.

We also encourage the youth to join the youth desk and CPF as volunteers,” said Germeshuisen.

Mayor General Anna Sithole and members of various law enforcement stakeholders during the high-density operation on July 11.

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