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Woman and young boy killed in Sunnyridge house fire

Their bodies were burnt beyond recognition.

A devastating house fire on Turnhout Avenue, Sunnyridge, seems to have claimed the lives of a woman and a young boy on May 30.

Their bodies were found after the fire was extinguished.

The incident prompted local charity organisations to rally the community to support the surviving family members with essential resources.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Firefighters tackle house blaze in Sunnyridge

City of Ekurhuleni fire services responded to the emergency with trucks from the Primrose and Edenvale fire stations.

CoE Fire Services attend to the house fire in Sunnyridge.

William Ntladi, the spokesperson for Ekurhuleni Fire Services, reported when the firefighters arrived, the structure was fully engulfed in flames.

“We received a call at about 12:49 and responded immediately.

“By the time we arrived, the roof had already collapsed. We managed to contain the blaze and, during our investigations, discovered two bodies—an adult female in her 30s and a boy of around four years old.

“Their bodies were burnt beyond recognition.

A woman and boy a died in a house fire in Sunnyridge.

“Initial investigations suggested the fire did not start in the bedrooms,” Ntladi stated.

The incident has been handed over to the SAPS for further investigation, as it is now considered a crime scene because of the loss of life.

Community organisations, including the CPF and Primrose Tax Payers Association, support the bereaved family.
David Hutch-Barr, a representative from the Primrose Tax Payers Association, noted the father, who is now responsible for their 10-year-old son, was hospitalised after receiving the tragic news.

ALSO READ: Watch: Sunndyridge house fire: two bodies found

The boy, who was at school during the incident, is now in the care of neighbours.

A firefighter connects the hose to the water supply at the scene of the house fire.

“People have been generously donating food, clothes, and other essentials to assist the affected family.

“The community has shown great support through social media, and the boy has received a new school uniform.

“The father’s hospitalisation adds another layer of difficulty to this tragic situation,” Hutch-Barr said.

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