SARS: Excise Duties and Levies – how they work on products

Excise Duties and Levies is a type of tax to discourage the consumption of certain products that are potentially harmful to an individual’s health or the environment.

Excise Duties and Levies apply to socially undesirable products such as tobacco, alcohol, and fuel.

These products may either be locally manufactured or imported within the borders of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU).

Excise Duties and Levies contributed approximately 10% toward SARS’s revenue collection in the 2024 financial year.

 Types of Excise Duties and Levies

 Rates for Excise Duties and Levies

Excise Duties are payable by manufacturers and importers of certain products for local consumption and are levied throughout the South African Customs Union (SACU). These duties apply to any alcoholic, tobacco, petroleum, and ad valorem products.

Some levies are not part of SACU’s tax-harmonisation and revenue-sharing arrangements and are unique to each SACU member state. For example, South Africa imposes:

Registration, Declaration, and Payment

Manufacturers of products subject to levies in South Africa must register and obtain a licence from SARS for excise purposes before they start manufacturing. These Duties and Levies are self-assessed by the client for each periodic excise return and, depending on the product, the manufacturer will pay levies to SARS monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

How to register and comply with excise and duties requirements:

Note: All licensees must be registered for eFiling. The submission and payment of accounts can be made only through eFiling.

 Non-compliance Penalties

Don’t Forget Employer Filing Season Deadline!

SARS thanks all employers who have already filed their annual reconciliation declaration (EMP501) and the IRP5/IT3(a) certificates for the period 1 March 2023 to 28 February 2024. We urge those who still need to file to do so on or before the deadline on 31 May 2024.

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