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Opinion: Mrs Vee’s Cup of Words – Burning the national flag is taking it too far

The flag symbolises our nation, not any particular political party, which means it deserves the utmost respect.

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Recently, our nation was confronted with a troubling issue: the desecration of the South African flag in the name of the election campaign.

Personally, this left a bitter taste in my mouth.

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The flag symbolises our nation, not any particular political party, which means it deserves the utmost respect.

Its design, rooted in the motto “!ke e:/xarra //ke”, which is the Khoisan language of the /Xam people, meaning “diverse people unite,” embodies the unity and resilience of our country.

Crafted in 1994, it stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the struggles endured and overcome.

Yet, some choose to burn this symbol, claiming it as a representation of a dream shared 30 years ago by the late President Nelson Mandela.

But how does burning the flag evoke the spirit of 1994?

As voters, we must scrutinise the intentions behind such actions.

Who truly stands to benefit from these theatrics? Are political parties so desperate for attention that they would exploit our national symbols for their own gain?

Moreover, what message does this send to our youth, who are shaping the future of our nation?

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Are we teaching them not to respect our heritage for political gains?

Thirty years after the dawn of democracy, are we any closer to the rainbow nation Nelson Mandela envisioned, or are we merely tolerating each other for survival?

These elections may be the dawn of a new political landscape. Politics play a vital role in our democracy, but have the parties forgotten their responsibilities?

Are we nothing more than puppets manipulated for votes? It’s time to stop treating such disrespectful acts as mere child’s play.

Our nation is in crisis, and promoting such behaviour, whether in blue, red, green, or any other colour is unacceptable.

Every party must hold our flag in the highest regard and respect.

In only less than 18 days we will know what is the fate of this country.

With all the challenges we face, I hope no matter what the results, that those in leadership don’t forget the promises they have been making and that they remember whatever choices they make now will affect generations to come.

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