Tips to ensure you are not buying a car that’s compromised

According to SAMBRA, when you buy a second-hand car, it comes with a roadworthy certificate.

The South African Motor Body Repairers’ Association (SAMBRA) has warned customers looking to purchase second-hand cars to look out for vehicles that were previously involved in serious collisions.

For many South Africans buying a car, even a second-hand one, is a big financial commitment.

For buyers’ safety to be a priority, they need to know they are getting their money’s worth and should feel at ease that the vehicle they purchased was not involved in a serious collision.

Jacques Viljoen, national director of SAMBRA, a proud association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), said they are campaigning for transparent a vehicle salvage database (VSD) of all vehicles that have previously been “written off” by insurers.

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“Since we started this drive, we have found a concerning number of vehicles that have been severely damaged in accidents often ending up being repaired and returned to the road.

“To the untrained eye these cars may look perfectly acceptable but, upon closer inspection, one may be shocked at the quality of the repairs and the severity of the previous damage incurred,” said Viljoen.

Roadworthy? It’s not enough

According to SAMBRA, when you buy a second-hand car, it comes with a roadworthy certificate.

This certificate alone does not confirm material defects being present.

“A roadworthy certificate is a legal requirement to complete the registration for transfer of ownership when one acquires a used motor vehicle, or for any vehicles carrying passengers for like mini-busses, busses or heavy load vehicles,” said Viljoen.

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He said a roadworthy test conducted by the vehicle examiner identifies visual defects with the electrical items, bodywork components, steering, suspension, and interior seatbelts and an overview of the undercarriage.

“It makes sure the vehicle is roadworthy but will not necessarily pick up if the vehicle has been in a previous collision and then repaired,” says Viljoen.

Julian Pillay, national director of the Vehicle Testing Association, agreed and said there needs more emphasis and discussion centred around vehicle inspection controls, particularly periodic testing of vehicles.

This will entail the re-testing of vehicles beyond a certain age, even if it does not change ownership, for roadworthiness.

Viljoen says until the consumers can be 100 per cent sure of the status of the second-hand vehicle they are purchasing, particularly if they have viewed it online, they are encouraged to educate themselves.

Tips include:

• Physically view the car you are interested in buying.

“If you are at all concerned, seek out the assistance of an accredited SAMBRA motor body repairer who has the expertise to spot hidden repairs and assess the structural integrity of the vehicle,” said Viljoen.

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He said it is worth doing the extra checks as all RMI-accredited workshops and motor body repair shops comply with the strictest standards and criteria to protect consumers.

• Consider a comprehensive multi-point check on the car as there is a difference between a roadworthy test and a multi-point inspection.

“Essentially a roadworthy inspection reviews the safety items of the vehicles as specified in the National Road Traffic Act (NRTA) and relevant standards, whereas a multi-point inspection goes further and includes safety items as well as quality items,” said Viljoen

He explained that the multi-point inspection (MPI) covers a range of additional categories.

“It is conducted by a trained and qualified examiner of vehicles and will give you a far more comprehensive report on over 120 points of the vehicle.”

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• If you are worried about the vehicles history, visit any franchised dealership that is a member of the National Automobile Dealers’ Association and request them to check the service history of the car if you give them the VIN.

“Any Motor Industry Workshop Association accredited service workshop will also be able to tell you if there are any mechanical faults,” said Viljoen.

He reminded prospective buyers that with the number of moving parts in modern vehicles, it’s not uncommon to have underlying problems you may be unaware of.

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“To catch any issues before they turn into a safety hazard, it is advisable to get the experts involved and do a thorough inspection.

“Knowing the condition of a vehicle can help you not only catch and address potential issues before they lead to dangerous failures or costly repairs that ultimately devalue the asset you are buying,” said Viljoen.

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