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Clr Jean Ingram shares highs and lows of 2023 and plans for 2024

“Every month, service delivery deteriorates to the detriment of my residents. Homes and businesses alike can spend days and weeks without power."

Ward 39 Clr Jean Ingram said 2023 has been the most challenging year for the residents of Ekurhuleni, in terms of service delivery.

With the year coming to an end, GCN chatted with Ingram about the highs and lows of the year and what she hopes to achieve in 2024.

She said service delivery this year was the biggest challenge.

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“Every month, service delivery deteriorates to the detriment of my residents. Homes and businesses alike can spend days and weeks without power.

“Potholes are ad hoc repaired, streetlights not repaired, and in recent months, water is becoming a rare commodity,” said Ingram.

She said it has been difficult to serve the community.

“Residents are turning to me to resolve these issues, and the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) is not paying attention to residents’ pleas, despite a few protest actions. We are heading into trying times if this is not resolved,” said Ingram.

She said though it was a tough year, there were also some highlights.

”There are a few things to be proud of this year. The long-awaited Russell Road reservoir project, expected to be completed in mid-2024, has begun, as well as the two new electrical substations, Russell Road and Atom Road in Wadeville,” shared Ingram.

She said Wadeville has a rejuvenation project expected to start in the New Year.

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She said this year has given her a sense of community in all the hardships.

“Apart from physical accomplishments, I feel the community of Ward 39 has come together and is supportive of each other, a real sense of comradeship. To me, this is the most important accomplishment. If we continue to stand together, we will overcome all hardships and build a better community we are all proud of,” said Ingram.

She said she is also happy that numerous illegal buildings were tackled, as well as illegal electrical connections.

She urged residents to continue reporting these cases so they can be dealt with effectively.

Ingram said for 2024, one issue she would like to focus on is by-law education.

She would also like to embark on an elderly project looking at the challenges they are facing. She also plans to start skills development for the youth and support structures for the needy.

“These projects are a need in my community and I believe they will have a positive impact,” said Ingram. She also thanked her committee for their continuous support.

“I must add that I have a good team that stands with me, and I thank them for always being willing to serve the community,” said Ingram.

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