Clr Geoffrey Mthembu wraps up 2023

Primarily, the ward comprises industrial zones and informal settlements, and Germiston Ext 9 is the only formal township.

As year-end draws closer, Ward 93 Clr Geoffrey Mthembu celebrates the re-blocking of Toyko Sexwale informal settlement.

It has been a demanding year because of issues with service delivery and illegal power connections.

Primarily, the ward comprises industrial zones and informal settlements, and Germiston Ext 9 is the only formal township.

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The problems stemmed from illegal power connections in Knights, where residents in Makause informal settlement connect to the surrounding industrial infrastructure, and disconnections are ongoing.

“The ward’s biggest problem is land. Private companies own the available land, so we must purchase it. The idea is to work with informal communities to re-block and relocate those that can be moved.

“The following informal settlements are in the ward, each with unique difficulties. Among them are Chris Hani, Good Hope, Marathon, Delport, and Tokyo Sexwale.

“We could have accomplished a complete re-blocking and electrification in Tokyo Sexwale.

“The problem arose when the original owners rented out their shacks and returned after we re-blocked them.

“Some 820 homes have been re-blocked, and 520 of that figure have been electrified. The bulk sewer lines installation caused a delay in the re-blocking process, despite the provincial human settlement owning the land.“

According to Mthembu, the Delmore Hostel committee assists in the allocation process and re-blocking.

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“The Leeuwpoort Mega Project has taken in the residents of the Delmore Hostel. After the re-allocation is finished, the hostel will be demolished,” said Mthembu.

He said the ward’s lack of public infrastructure is another problem.

“The ward has no schools, clinics, hospitals, or community centres. We have found a location for a community hall in Germiston Ext and have been in constant contact with the relevant parties.

Even though 2023 was a difficult year, according to Mthembu, they still addressed social challenges by hosting soccer tournaments and making donations throughout the ward.

“Leeuwpoort Primary School and Drommedaris Primary School in Reiger Park received school shoes, and we will carry out the project again the following year.

“Beginning in January, Hawks Academy in Primrose will be one of the programme’s beneficiaries. Lumkani sponsored our sports competitions that included all the ward’s informal settlements.”

Mthembu urged community members to enjoy their holidays in December by co-operating and upholding the ubuntu spirit.

“Avoid drinking and driving and drink responsibly.

“Germiston Ex 9 residents are encouraged to work with the city, check their accounts, and apply for indigent status. The project of electrifying the area and distributing a new electricity billing system was suspended due to unforeseen challenges.

“Young people should get ready to vote in the upcoming election and shape the future of this country.

“The ward’s voting locations – Hawks Academy, Living Water Assembly, Goodhope Pre-school, and New Apostles Church – should also be known to the locals,” said Mthembu.

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